- Group Gatherings
- Sleepovers
- Play Dates
- Concerts
- Theatre Outings
- Movie Theaters
- Sporting Events
- Crowded Retail Stores
- Shopping Malls
- Workouts in Gyms
- Visitors in Your Home
- Non-Essential Travel
- Bars & Restaurants
- Visit Grocery Stores
- Get Take Out
- Pick Up Medications
- Athletics in Public Places
- Visiting the Library
- Essential Travel
- Work Environments
- Mass Transit
- Take a Walk
- Go for a Hike
- Yard Work
- Play in Your Yard
- Clean out a Closet
- Read a Good Book
- Listen to Music
- Cook a Meal
- Family Game Night
- Go for a Drive
- Group Video Chat
- Stream Favorite Show
- Check on a Friend
- Check on Elderly Neighbor
Social Distancing is the practice of reducing close contact between people to slow the speed of infections or diseases. Social Distancing measures include limiting large groups of people coming together, closing buildings and canceling events.
During times like the Coronavirus outbreak, it’s important to remain calm, stay informed and use your best judgment. The situation is rapidly changing, and the CDC will update its risk assessment as needed. For additional tips like these, the CDC has released a Coronavirus tip sheet. Visit the CDC’s website for latest updates.
Finally, if you’re a business owner searching for environmental testing and cleaning, HouseCheck Environmental Services can help protect the health and safety of building inhabitants.
For more information please call (850) 769-8830.
The Center for Diseases and Control Tip Sheet
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